Sunday, November 23, 2008

William Forrester

Agoraphobia is often precipitated by the fear of having a panic attack in a setting from which there is no easy means of escape.

William Forrester is a character who keeps himself locked in an appartment and not interact with people. A Pulitzer-prize winning author who helps Jamal Wallace walk the correct path towards writing. Forrester moves back to his homeland of Scotland, where he dies of cancer. He leaves Jamal his apartment and a manuscript of his second and final novel, 'Sunset'. It is to be published by Jamal after he has written a foreword.

Although William Forrester is a fictitious character, there are some noticeable parallels between his life and that of the American author J. D. Salinger:

  • Both Forrester and Salinger are notoriously reclusive authors.
  • In the movie Forrester blocked a biography of himself that the character Prof. Robert Crawford was going to have published. Salinger did the same thing through a lawsuit against Ian Hamilton.
  • Both also only wrote one book that is wildly popular: Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye and Forrester's Avalon Landing
  • In his Glass family stories, Salinger's narrator, Buddy Glass, is obsessed with his dead older brother Seymour. In the movie, Jamal, discussing Forrester's novel, tells Forrester that he thinks there was somebody else. Forrester also has a brother who is dead.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Enemy

Enemy is a person in opposition. Different types of enemies are talked about here. The Burmese think of the British as their enemy because both the parties appear as a threat to the other. The British are the dominators upon the poor Burmese where as the Burmese are full of contempt for the British. The elephant can be considered as an enemy as it poses a threat to the masses being the wild animal that can be without its master.


Rafting is one my favourite activities and the most fun part about it is when you do it with your own family.
My family and I were over joyed and we couldn't wait to hit the shores. Its like our tradition that every
summer we have to go rafting. The smell of sea breeze gave me a feeling of freedom as we reached the lake side. I just wanted to listen
to the waves hit the ground and nothing else around me. It didn't scare or frighten me, it made me want to
run towards it and make a huge splash. I wanted to sit near the sea and not think about anything. I was
pushing away all of my worries and had a big smile on my face, watching the waves spreading across like
rapid fire. It gave me relief and I couldn't wait to start having fun. When we began rafting, the sea was pushing and pulling us forcefully and it just like a rollercoaster ride. The most adventurous ride I have ever experienced. We didn't want to stop but in the end my father gave up because he didn't want us to get eaten by the sea. We went back near the rocks and had a divine meal. It was so chilly, we sat near the fire which kept us warm. I didn't want to go home but eventually we had to say goodbye in the end and wait to come next summer.

Mom's Evil Plan At Sehri

"Naya Kalashankof Nishana DHAZZ DHAZZ bajda!" Sounds of gunshots are heard along with the song which is actually the annoying alarm set on my cell phone.
"Oh My God! Not again. Muzna and her terrible alarm clock. Its everytime and it annoys me so much especially the sound of the gunshot. One day I'll shoot her and her alarm clock myself." She wakes up at 5am everyday in the month of Ramadan. Wondering what meal the kids would have for sehri. Her eyes are always swollen and it seems from the look on her face that it annoys her to look at the kids sleeping just like that and not get up to help her cook. But then I never do. My sister Sana does and my cousin Zeeshan. I never have the stamina of getting up at 5am and eating. And this is exactly what my mom does to me:
"Muzna, Muzna, Muzna, MUZNA, MUZNAAAA, MUUZZZNNAAAA!!!" Poking me and tickling me because she knows thats the only way I get up. Its the most irritating way to wake up your child."Muzna, if you don't get up right now and drink your water, I am going to throw it on you and trust me GOD will be very happy then." I opened my eyes and drank the water quickly otherwise she would've planned on throwing the entire bucket on me.Then I lay down and slept back again. I hear another voice later on "Muzna, its time to pray, get up." I keep shoving her hand but she still kept on poking on me. "I think it's time I wake you up in a proper manner," her evil smile made me curious because I knew she was upto something very strange but get this I actually ignored it. Suddenly, I felt the flood of water pulling me towards it and when I'm crying for help, no one is listening to my voice. I open my eyes and I notice my lovely mother threw ice cold water on me to wake me up. "Now God and I both are very happy." She smiled and went back to sleep leaving me all wet on my bed.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I am what i am

Im Muzna Qamar...and please everyone my name is not very difficult to pronounce :p
I spent my childhood in home...and i never wanted to come here..and it actually took me 3 yrs to get adjusted and i realised that Karachi isnt so bad!
I did my O'levels from The City School PAF chapter and A'levels from Avicenna...the best 2 yrs of my life which i will never ever forget...cuz of my friends!
When it comes to describing myself...i would say that i'm a very friendly and open person! i really enjoy doing my work in szabist because its one place where i get to do things that i like! photography, drawing and talking about art! Other than all of that...i'm a music and a movie freak! i cannot live without music...wherever i go...whatever i do...i have to have music no matter what! its the only thing that gives me relief and so do my friends! i cherish my friends alot...i have been blessed with amazing friends who have been there for me all the time whenever i needed them! my friends and family both are my world...i'm living my life peacefully all because of them! i'm an extremely adventurous, fun and a hyper person! people in this world know me only because of my laugh! i laugh alot...its the only thing that describes me and i laugh is hysterical...i used to get busted by the principal in school! once i start laughing...i wont shut up...even when the joke is over!
ive learned alot in these 20 yrs...there are many ups and downs...and its better if u experience them otherwise u will never learn the meaning of life! ive learned its better to be selfish otherwise it wont take time for people to take u for granted! trust me...its not a good feeling and it doesnt make u feel good...ur only making a fool out of urslf if u let others take advantage of u! u shudnt even care wat people think of u...cuz they only know how to talk and pass weird comments...but dont ever let them get to u! thats how i am and i will always stay that way for the rest of my life! i am the way i am and my people who are very close to me know me well...thats enough for me!
i'm here in szabist to do what i enjoy doing....plan to complete my bachelors then go somewhere abroad hopefully for masters! just pray that i get through it all easily! :D